Does the look and feel of your patio make you sad? Have you neglected the space for too long?

As the weather gets warmer, we all start spending more of our time outdoors. Which means our attention shifts from interior design projects to our outdoor spaces. And because we live in a rainy, cold climate, often times our outdoor spaces can become disasters after 9 months of living exclusively indoors. If your backyard looks like it’s in need of a little tender loving care – or maybe it just needs an injection of style – then this article is for you!
With a few simple steps and some wise purchases, you can turn your drab patio into a beautiful place where you’ll be able to entertain your friends.

Start with Lighting

You may have lighting on your patio, but what about the rest of your backyard space? Has it been ignored?
You can simply and easily illuminate your entire lawn with these creative ideas:

Mason jars

Fill mason jars with tea lights, attach rope or wire and hang them from tree branches, along your shed or anywhere else in the yard.

String lights

Wrap outdoor-safe lights around tree trunks or branches, from your shed or along your fence. You can find these in multiple sizes, shapes and colours.

Citronella candles

These candles run dual purpose. Not only do they provide great lighting, they also keep those pesky mosquitoes from ruining your warm summer nights.

Keep it Clean & Organized

With all of these backyard ideas, the items in your backyard can pile up quickly and with extra stuff comes clutter. It’s important that you stay very diligent about cleaning up and organizing your yard after each time you use it. This way, you won’t have to constantly look out on a yard that is dirty, disorganized, and unattractive.

Make it an Original Space

Don’t have a large patio or backyard? With a little imagination, you can make any space into something you can be proud of. Starting with your BBQ setup, it’s important that every part of your deck or yard is considered when considering design ideas. Below are some great ways to make your space original:

Cinder block benches

To compliment your patio set, try positioning cinder blocks together to arrange a bench. Complete the look with decorative pillows.

Make a pathway

Pathways are a functional and decorative addition to your backyard. Depending on the look of your yard, you can use a variety of materials including stone, brick, pallet wood, etc. You can even wrap rope light around the sides, illuminating your walkway during the evening.

Tree bench

Take advantage of that large tree in your backyard! Set up a simple circular bench surrounding the tree, and then trying using the natural shade to unwind after a long day.

Make it Fun & Be Creative

Backyards are fun to design and make stylish, but at the end of the day, they’re places to relax within and enjoy. The open space of a backyard makes it a great place to play. Put together a bucket full of sports equipment, balls, games, and you’ll be ready for fun whenever you and your family feel like it.

Backyards and patios are among the most enjoyed places in our homes during the summer months. That’s why we suggest putting in a few hours of TLC so that you can be proud of how your backyard and patio look. If you’re having trouble being creative, or if you just need some inspiration, BC Home Leisure can help you!